Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looks like a painting weekend!!!!!

So we 2 coats of mud on the walls and it's ready to sand tomorrow, guess who is painting this weekend??? I wonder what other projects I can think up? Like I don't have enough to do.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Count down is on 16 days left to re-opening....

So were down to 16 days and there's so much still to do, what was I thinking???? Oh I know, SHOPPING!!!! The locals in town are excited that were re-opening the store there response has been overwhelming,  I had over 20 cars stop on Sunday when I was painting the front of the store asking if we were re-opening there so excited and so am I.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It never ends!!!!!

So I decided that the paint on the outside needed freshening up so I took a scraper and started chipping away at the loose paint, well that in itself was a colossal undertaking. One scrap lead to another and another and another, you get the picture and before you knew it the walls were bare. So I took the paint brush and went to town......I got 2 coats of primer on ready for the final coat. We got the corn stalks up on the posts and bales of straw stacked. Pumpkins are picked and mums arranged and now we just got to get the inside done.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who says drywall is easy?????

Okay, so for the last 2 nights we have been hanging drywall, difinitely not something I could do for a living. Do you realize how heavy these sheets are??? Who needs a gym, when you are lifting drywall up onto the wall. I have a new respect for drywallers!!!!!!!

Getting started....

So we've decided to forge ahead and get the store ready to re-open mid Oct . 2010, wish me luck.... so much to do so little time.Won't be long before the plastic is off the windows and the paper is off the door, full steam ahead...project beautification of Not Just Country take two.